Whether you are planning a vacation of a lifetime or a quick weekend getaway your travel begins with boarding a plane, and unfortunately, no amount of planning or preparation can save you from an annoying passenger.
Below is a list of 17 of the most common flight passenger annoyances. Read on to find out which type of passengers ranked as the absolute worst.
17. Hogging the Armrest
This has been a long-debated topic and there is no rule. But popular opinion states that the middle passenger is the one most entitled to occupy both center armrests.
16. A Snoring Passenger or Loud Passenger
A person who snores at home is bad enough but to have to sit next to a snorer or a loud sleeper on the plane can make your flight extremely uncomfortable and long.
15. Constantly Getting Up for the Bathroom
Navigating the cramped space between airline seats can be tricky, and this is especially true if the person by the window must constantly use the bathroom.
14. Not Wearing a Mask on the Plane
The consequences of disrupting a flight over a face mask can range from getting kicked off the plane to criminal charges. Unless exempt from the mask order, if you refuse to wear a mask you will not be allowed to board the plane. Once on board, passengers must wear a mask for the duration of the flight, except for approved reasons such as eating or taking medication. We do not want to be delayed on a flight because a passenger refuses to wear a mask.
13. Couples Who Constantly Kiss or Touch Each Other
Watching anyone make out or constantly touch in public is annoying anywhere but being stuck on a plane when you can’t walk away can quickly get awkward and uncomfortable. Passengers feel that these behaviors should be kept behind closed doors.
12. Constantly Grabbing the Back of Your Seat for Leverage
We have all grabbed the back of a seat for leverage at one time or another, but constantly grabbing the back of the seat of the person in front of you is extremely annoying.
11. Passengers with Smelly Food
Since most airlines have stopped domestic in-flight meal services more people are traveling with their own food. When we are in a tiny, recycled air space it’s best to keep tuna sandwiches, stinky cheeses, hard-boiled eggs and other pungent foods at home.
10. Carry-on Luggage
Thanks to the cuts by airlines more passengers have opted to carry on their luggage. Many people travel with carry-on these days, but we must remember that there is only so much space in the overhead bins and much less space under the seat in front of you. The overhead bin space can only hold so much, and last-minute luggage checking at the gate can delay flights. Why not be kind and leave space for everyone else by stowing your large bag up top and your personal item under your seat.
9. Abruptly Reclining Your Seat
The space between the seats is small and if you are sitting in front of a 6-foot passenger they may be extremely uncomfortable when you recline your seat. It is uncomfortable being pinned in your seat, with the TV screen in your face, and the tray table sticking into your stomach.
8. People Who Push Ahead to Get Off the Plane
This is such an annoying behavior. Maybe this person has a flight to catch, maybe he doesn’t. Either way, no one likes it when that passenger just pushes ahead and skips the deplaning line. Why not just wait your turn to get off the plane like everyone else?
7. Putting Your Feet on the Seat in Front of You
It’s every traveler’s worst nightmare, you turn around and you see toes. The passenger behind you has officially broken the sacred, cardinal rule of air travel: Never, ever put your bare feet up on a flight. This is unsanitary and a bit gross. No matter what kind of pedicure you may have gotten or how clean you think your feet may be, tracking in germs and dust from walking through an airport terminal is the last thing you want in your face for hours on end.
6. The Constant Talker
When you are on a plane and a person is constantly talking and you cannot escape the situation it can cause great anxiety and frustration. Most passengers do not mind small talk, but most people just want to relax and enjoy their flight in peace and quiet. The constant talker is a very annoying person.
5. Excessive Drinking of Alcohol
It is uncomfortable sharing space with a person who is intoxicated and belligerent. We can find these types of people in economy and first class. Alcohol sales have resumed on flights. Alcohol is also free on most international flights and is free in business and first-class cabins. Some people admit to having a few drinks in the airport before departure while waiting for their flights. Once they board, they have a few more.
4. Listening to Loud Music
The purpose of using headphones is so that everyone else doesn’t have to listen to your personal in-flight playlist, laugh track, movie, or TV show. For some reason headphones have somehow evolved into mini speakers so that anyone within a five-foot radius can hear. Having to listen to your fellow passenger’s media is very annoying and this seat mate should be avoided.
3. Wearing Heavy Perfume or Deodorant Spray
Passengers who wear too much perfume, cologne, or deodorant are extremely annoying. Also, we should remember that some people have allergies, and the odors can make them become very ill. Airplanes are small, shared spaces and we should be considerate of fellow passengers when we travel.
2. Ignoring Your Children
Parents should not ignore their children on the plane. This maybe a mental vacation for you as soon as you board the plane, but if you are traveling with young children try to keep them in control of their kicking, screaming, and throwing food.
1. Constantly Kicking the Back of Your Seat
This is the absolute worst passenger. No one wants their seat being kicked. This also goes with watching your children on the plane. I am sure everyone at one time or another has had their seats kicked. It is very annoying, and I can guarantee no one likes it.
Final Thoughts
With borders opening and more people flying I am sure you will be subjected to at least a few of these travel woes. Inconveniences are to be expected especially when we travel with a bunch of strangers. Hopefully, you have enjoyed reading this list and will learn how to avoid and spot annoying passengers.
Colesville Travel is here to assist with your next getaway. Call us at 301-989-1654 or visit our website https://www.colesvilletravel.com
Until then, stay inspired!